Shall & Should


1. 以第一人稱,表示將來 (當will使用)

    e.g. I shall be thirty next year. 明年我就30歲了

2. 以第二/三人稱,表示必須 (當命令式) 

    e.g. You shall drop that gun. 你把槍放下

    e.g. He shall stay in bed. 他必須躺在床上。

3. 以第一人稱,用在問句中徵求意見。

    e.g. Shall I make you some coffee? 我幫你泡咖啡好嗎? 

    e.g. Shall we begin now? 我們現在開始好嗎?


 Should (Shall的過去式,也常用在非過去式) 

1. 以第一人稱,表示過去時的將來

    e.g. We hoped that we should be able to do that.

2. ("建議/推測/責任/命令/徵求同意" 語氣的) 應該, 應當

    e.g. You should go to see a doctor. 你應該去看醫生。(建議語氣)

    e.g. She should arrive any minute. 她應該馬上就到了。(推測語氣)

    e.g. He should work harder. 他應該更加努力。(責任語氣)

    e.g. Crime should be punished. 犯罪應受懲罰。(命令語氣)

    e.g. It's rather cold in here. Should I turn the heating on?

           這裡較冷, 要我開暖氣嗎? (徵求同意語氣)

3. 萬一...的話 ,如果...的話

    e.g. If the car should break down on the way, you would have to walk back.


    e.g. If anyone should ask for me, I'll be in the manager's office.


4. 竟然會(用於that和表示觀點的adj./n.之後)

    e.g. I'm sorry it should be this way. 很遺憾事情竟然會是這樣。

    e.g. It's odd that she should think I would want to see her again.


    e.g. It's so unfair that she should have died so young.


5. (用於so that 和 in order that之後,表示目的) 會,就

    e.g. He took his umbrella so that he shouldn't get wet.


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    Sharon Lee


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