「Put」本身有「放置」的意思,當它加上「Out」這個本身有「往外/出去」的意思的字,搭配起來就會有很多衍生的含意。不過我們可以藉由想像[Put 放置 + Out 往外= Put Out 往外放置]的畫面,去試著理解為什麼英語母語國家者他們會把Put Out當作以下這些意思來使用。(以下資訊整裡自線上公開的Cambridge Dictionary & Collins Dictionary)


1, 使熄滅(+the fire/ candle / cigarette/ electric light...etc)

Firefighters tried to free the injured and put out the blaze.


2. 擺出來(+cups and plates...etc)

I slowly unpacked the teapot and put it out on the table.


3. 伸出(+hand/foot/arm/tongue/feelers...etc)

He put out his hand toward her.

put out the tongue-->是形容一個人在做吐舌頭這個動作,通常被認為是一種不禮貌的動作

put out feelers ph. [口語]試探一下別人的觀點


4. 放到屋外(+rubbish/garbage/washing...etc)

Remember to put the rubbish/garbage out before you go to bed.


5. 趕出去

Don't get drunk or they will put you out.


6. 給某人添麻煩, 造成不便, 打擾; 使某人憤怒或心煩(通常用被動式)

Mary can’t come to dinner tonight. She hopes it won’t put you out.

He seemed a bit put out at not having been invited.


7. (為幫助別人)盡心竭力 --> 用法: put oneself out

Ethan is always willing to put himself out for other people.


8. [醫]手術前使病患失去意識

Put somebody out is to make someone unconscious before a medical operation


9. 廣播出; 發出(某些東西以供人們閱讀或收聽)

They put out a half-hour program on young refugees

The government will put out a new statement next week.


10. 船隻出航

The ship has put out to the sea.


11. HAVE SEX (非正式美式用法)

if a woman puts out, she has sex with a man


12  [運動競賽] 擊敗對方(+a player/team...etc)

He was put out in three sets.

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    Sharon Lee


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