1. 行人 pedestrian 
舉例:The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian. ( 疾馳的汽車差點撞上那個行人。)

2. 人行地下道  pedestrian underpass ( underpass 是地下通道的意思!)
舉例:Take the sidewalk, pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road. ( 過馬路請走斑馬線,天橋或地下通道。)

3. 天橋 pedestrian overpass 
舉例:I crossed over the pedestrian overpass. ( 我走過行人天橋。)

4. 人行道  sidewalk (多為美語所用) / pavement (多為英語所用)
舉例:A child was toddling along the sidewalk. ( 一個小孩正沿著人行道蹣跚行走。)

5. 斑馬線 crosswalk
舉例:As we were driving back, stopped at a crosswalk, a pedestrian crossed in front of us with an umbrella. ( 驅車回來路上,在人行道上停了下來。一位撐著雨傘的行人在我們面前經過。)

6. 行道樹 street trees
舉例:As street trees, standing in silence on either side of the road, dust intrusion over their body. ( 像行道樹,默默地站立在馬路的兩旁,灰塵侵滿了它們的身體。)

7. 高樓大廈 skyscraper
舉例:The skyscraper towers into the clouds. ( 那幢摩天大樓高聳入雲)

8. 紅綠燈 traffic light
舉例:These lights flickered continuously like traffic light which have gone mad. ( 燈泡一刻一停地閃爍著,就像失去了控制的紅綠燈。)

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    Sharon Lee


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