
1. 咳嗽

- People now are sensitive when they hear someone give a cough(咳嗽一聲) 人們現在聽到別人咳嗽時很敏感

- The old lady had a bad cough. 老太太咳得很厲害。

- She coughed herself hoarse(adj.嗓音嘶啞的)*. 她咳得嗓子都沙啞了。

- What can I do to make my cough go away? 我該怎麼做才能使咳嗽消失?

- I am having cough and cold these days and found some phlegm. 這些天我咳嗽和感冒,發現有些痰

- He coughed up some sputum. 他咳出了一些痰。

- His cough had slackened, but his nose was still running. 他的咳嗽減弱了,但還在流鼻涕。

2. 發燒頭痛

- I've got the fever. 我發燒了

- He had a slight fever. 他有點輕微發燒

- I have a headache. 我頭痛

3. 失去味覺

- I can't taste anything. Anything is tasteless to me. 我品嚐不了東西的味道

- I' ve got no taste. 我失去味覺了

4. 發冷

- I have a chill. 我發冷


1. 醫護人員進行檢測,並告知結果

- You are gonna be tested. 你將會被檢測

- I'm afraid that the tests came back positive.恐怕檢測結果是陽性

- Your test results came back negative. 你的測試結果呈陰性


1. 大眾需遵守規則

- We must follow the rules. 我們必須遵守規定

- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. 洗手或使用手部消毒水

- Stay home. 待在家裡

- Wear a mask. 戴上口罩

- No touching of the hair or face. 勿觸碰頭髮或臉。

- Especially don’t touch your eyes and mouth. 尤其不要觸摸眼睛和嘴巴。

- My face is itchy. Can I touch it? “No touching! No touching! No touching! “ 我的臉很癢,我可以摸臉嗎? 勿觸碰! 勿觸碰! 勿觸碰!




- The truck came coughing up the road. 卡車沿著公路噗哧噗哧地開過來。

- The engine coughed and died. 引擎噗噗響了幾聲就熄火了。


*to shout/laugh oneself hoarse 把嗓子喊啞/笑啞 *tasteless. 除了上述的「無味道的」的意思,


-「不得體的」eg. tasteless jokes

-「not stylish不時髦的,沒品味的」eg. the tasteless decor in the house

    創作者 Sharon Lee 的頭像
    Sharon Lee


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