陽台 Terrace & Balcony 可以由Location, Size, Construction三個方面去探討他們之間的差異:

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Location: A terrace is on the ground and a balcony is raised and attached to a room. This gives way to the idea of a terrace being a party place and a balcony being a romantic place. Although some terraces may be located on a rooftop, they are typically located on a ground level and are wide-open areas.

位置:terrace 位於地面上,而balcony則是位於地面之上的並且與房間相連。 這就說明了為什麼terrace被視作為開派對的地方,balcony被視作為浪漫的場所。 儘管某些terrace可能位於屋頂上,但它們通常還是位於地面上而且是開放的區域。


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Size: A terrace is typically a larger space to host a larger guest list. In more urban areas, terraces are even used as outdoor garden spaces. A balcony, on the other hand, is much smaller to fit a smaller party. Both can fit patio furniture on them, but you would typically buy larger sets for filling up a terrace than you would a balcony.

尺寸: terrace通常是較大的空間,可容納較大的來賓清單。 在許多城市地區,露台甚至被用作室外花園空間。 另一方面,陽台要小得多,以適合較小的聚會。 兩者都可以在其上放置露台家具,但與balcony相比,通常你會需要購買更大的家具裝備來擺設terrace。


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Construction: A terrace, by definition, is its own structure. It can stand alone and is typically detached from the building. A balcony, however, is attached to a building. It usually has one main entrance to a room, wheras a terrace can have multiple entrances. 

結構: 從定義上講,terrace是其自身的結構。 它可以獨立放置,通常與建築物分離。 但是,balcony則是連接到建築物。 它通常會有一個房間的主入口,而terrace上則可以有多個入口。


    露臺 陽台 Terrace Balcony
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    Sharon Lee


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